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Abhivadaye Generator
14 Oct 2024
The Abhivadanam is a Vedic mantra that is used to salute and introduce oneself to elders.
If you are anything like me, you will find it hard to remember. SO I have created this neat little Abhivadaye Generator. Simply, select your Gothra (Clan), Veda and your Sutra and let the script do its job.
Gothra :
Veda :
Sutra :
Your name? :
-trayārseyaḥ pravaraanvita
Śrī Śarmā nāmaham asmi bhoḥ
How to Perform the Abhivadaye Mantra
The Abhivadaye Mantra is typically chanted while standing with palms joined in a prayerful position (pranamasana). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform the mantra:
  • Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bring your palms together at your chest level, fingers pointing upwards.
  • Close your eyes gently and focus on your breath.
  • Chant the mantra with devotion and sincerity.
Chanting the Abhivadaye Mantra essentially ensures that
  • One earns the blessings of the person saluted.
  • One remembers one's own lineage.
  • One takes the names of great Sages.
1. abhivad.js - Download, index.html
//Code goes here