8 Queens Problem
Anagram Finder
Bouncing Spheres
Break Out
Classic Snake
Deflection Demo
Double Pendulum
EV Savings
Fog fly through
Forces on Objects
Game of Life
Horizontal Stars
Image Scanning
JSON Beautify
Julia Sets
Kock Fractals
Lorenz Attractor
Mandlebrot Set
Meta Balls
Natural Flocking
Number Convert
Number Game
Pandemic Simulator
Particles & Nodes
Perlin Noise
Poisson Disk
QuadTree Search
Set Demonstration
Sierpiński Triangles
Simple Pendulum
Sine Waves
Super Shapes 2D
Target Finder
Tic Tac Toe
Voronoi Diagram
Who Moved My...
Writing my own custom CMS
Posted On : 08-Aug-2019 | Author: Sharma Radhakrishna | Tags : Updates, Blog, Development | Categories : Updates
I am bit frustrated with WordPress. Porting WordPress to a new hosting provider is a bit cumbersome. My previous blog was ported as per instructions, but it hasn't worked. Moreover WordPress tends to be a heavyweight content wise. Meaning it downloads a lot of content for just a blog.
I am aware that there are other open-source lightweight alternatives to WordPress, but developing something my own might add valuable experience.

I am still in the process of developing this and even though you see the blog posts below the development is not complete yet. It should all be ready in some time.

Thank you for visiting.